The list goes on and there’s also something about it that’s cool you feel like you’re riding the technology curve, doing things that are a bit beyond the norm illustrating the potential of technology as a tool that really does break down barriers and helps connect across time and space. There are many benefits of being able to access a computer remotely accessing your parent’s computer to help them with a problem, sharing your screen with a colleague or friend for a joint project, providing some input into your kids higher studies when they’re living away from the home. Follow the on-screen guidance until the remote connection is established, and then take advantage of the host computer.Remotely accessing someone else’s computer is a great way to help them out, whether it’s just walking them through a few steps on a new program they have or helping children remotely with homework – and thanks to remote access programs it’s real easy to do.Start the software and choose “Remote Assistance” for limited tech support or “My Computers” for full-desktop access.On the same stations, install the Remote Desktop application and be sure to give it the rights requested.Sign in the account and download the Google Chrome browser, on any computer that you want to use the remote tool.Register a free Google account here, in case you have none.The wonderful thing is that no 3rd party applications must be installed, aside the Chrome extension itself, to enjoy such level of control. When the Chrome browser is present on a station running any version of Windows, Mac and Linux, the Remote Desktop tool will offer assistance capabilities, while the privileges of full-desktop control will be given only to those with Windows Vista and Mac OS X 10.6, or above. Speaking of features, here’s what Google offers: Although all operating systems have been deemed compatible, some features are only enabled for newer versions.

As long as the platform comes with the browser installed, the Remote Desktop tool will work. In a few words, this tool developed by Google itself is perfectly compatible with Chrome browsers and computers that run on Chrome OS. Well, Google thought of a title suitable for this list and recently, the first stable version of the Chrome Remote Desktop software has been released. Although there are lots of programs that can offer remote access with ease, even the one included by Windows 7 itself, we have searched for those that are user friendly and that can get the job done in a few minutes. For us, TeamViewer has always been the weapon of choice whenever we needed to solve distant problems, be them big or small.