But as soon as I open Mail on the MBP I could see it "disappearing" messages and setting itself the task of retrieving new mail. I specifically wanted to keep those emails on the MBP. _For example_: I only recently purchased the MBP and on my Mac Pro I had moved/saved all related email, such as invoices, order confirmations, etc., to a folder on my hard drive. Likewise, It deletes messages that I had either moved to folders "on my Mac" or in fact deleted. Yet, when I open Mail on my MBP (Macbook Pro), after having used Mail on my MacPro, it instantly starts retrieving messages. In the Mail applications on both machines I set Get Messages to "manually." I do use syncing via Mobile Me but I have set it to "manual." I primarily use 2 Macs a Mac Pro as my primary, and a newer MacBook Pro secondarily. It seems to me that _regardless of the settings I make in Preferences, Mail just does things differently._ This way POP3 won’t delete the messages from the server once it downloads them to your drive.I am trying hard to make the transition to Mail and iCal (used Entourage for years) but every day is a struggle. Set the status to ‘2.When messages are accessed with POP’ to ‘keep ’s copy in the Inbox’.Select ‘Forwarding and POP/IMAP’ by tapping on the tab.Click on the “Settings” icon at the top right corner of the screen (gear icon).The process is almost the same no matter which email service you use. To check if your POP3 is removing emails from your inbox, follow these simple steps. If you’re using Yahoo, AOL, Gmail, or any other online email service, there’s a chance that it is set up to POP3. Also, if you like to keep all your emails but your server has limited storage space with POP3 you can store everything to your personal drive. With it, all your emails will be accessible offline. It can be useful if you have a limited data plan or no wireless connection. Let’s take a look at why your emails disappear, and how to stop this from happening in the future. There’s a chance that your internet protocol removes all emails once it downloads them from your server. If you notice your emails are disappearing from your inbox before you’ve deleted them, don’t worry. When you manage your email from multiple clients and devices, things might not always go smoothly. Of course, just because email is usually reliable doesn’t mean it’s infallible. It’s even possible to improve your security with email, sending messages from temporary email accounts or keeping your identity anonymous. As a universal standard, every single device on the market today can access email, making it easy to reach out to anyone around the world and speak to them instantly. Despite its age, there’s nothing more reliable than email. From using Facebook Messenger for instant messaging to loading iMessage on your iPhone or Mac, messaging in 2020 is easier than ever. There’s no shortage of ways to communicate with your friends, family, colleagues, and businesses.